REE Automotive unveils flat modular EV platforms

REE Automotive has unveiled three electric platforms prototypes for the next generation of EVs.

REE is a pioneering technology company that has developed an innovative EV platform, which is completely flat, scalable and modular and can be used in the broadest range of electric vehicles.

REE’s EV platform consists of the REEcorner, which powers full X-by-Wire technology for steering, braking and drive, and integrates all drivetrain, powertrain, suspension and steering components into the arch of the wheel. Also, due to the fact that the architecture is completely flat, it gives customers freedom to place any shape or size of body design on top.

The versatility that this platform offers is one of the core strengths of the product according to Daniel Barel, REE Co-Founder and CEO.

“Our platform provides the perfect blank canvas for our customers on which to build EVs tailored to their needs, whether it’s a fully autonomous last-mile delivery vehicle, a spacious yet compact urban shuttle or a flexible delivery truck with higher load capability on a smaller footprint,” he said.

In August 2020, REE signed a memorandum of understanding with global OEM Mahindra to establish a strategic collaboration for the development and production of an initial capacity of up to 250,000 electric vehicles aimed at the commercial market.

In a demonstration video, the company showcases three of its modular next-generation EV platforms on the track. All REE platforms are autonomous ready and are fully compatible with any Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) interface. Multiple redundancy systems, coupled with X-by Wire control of steering, braking and drive ensure the highest possible efficiency and safety standards.

The company has a set plan to take over the market with its innovative product that will allow OEMs to have a lot of design freedom, according to Barel.

“REE’s ambition is to be the industry leader in next-gen EV platforms. Already we have strategically partnered with key global OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers,” he said. “Our adaptable, modular platforms provide the perfect solution for future mobility solutions, offering versatility and freedom of design – for commercial EVs, autonomous last-mile delivery pods and beyond.”

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